Hoppy Girl Brewing

Hoppy Girl is a brewery that is part of a bed and breakfast.  

I took a friend with me to this down to earth brewery.  I did not let her know anything about the brewery before we arrived.  The brewery is in a residential area.  There are no signs saying it is a brewery out by the road or in front of it.  I stopped the car and said we are here.  She says, where are we….do you know who lives here?  I said no, we are going to just stop in and see what is going on.  The house, which is the bed and breakfast, is an old Victorian home.  The home looks beautiful from outside. It does have a sign out front for the bed and breakfast.  We walked around the yard towards the back of the house.  You can hear music and people talking in the garage.  I said let's go into the garage…she is like Really?  You should have seen the look she gave me before we headed on in….the brewery is in their garage.  

Every beer that I sampled was delicious, cold, and full of flavor.  This is another one of those breweries that you could stay and hang out in all night long.  I would think that most of the customers lived in the neighborhood.  They made us feel welcome, like we belonged there.  The decorations were very 70’s – 90’s.  Old albums, Barbie dolls hanging from the lights.  There is something for everyone in this small but very inviting brewery.  

Well worth the drive.




Hay Creek Campground and Old Fashioned Saloon