Arches National Park

Make sure you have comfortable shoes on, preferably hiking shoes/boots. If you have a walking stick, bring it or buy one, you will be glad that you did.  Make sure you bring water and some snacks.  Follow the signs and the rules.  It is better to be safe and the rules/guidelines are there for a reason.

The day that we visited we arrived early and glad that we did.  We were able to enjoy part of the park at a leisurely pace before it became over crowded.  There are quite a few picnic areas, so pack a picnic to help break up the day.  You should plan on spending a day or two at the park.

Make sure to drive the scenic route.  Check out the two side roads also.  There is quite a few viewing points and pullover areas, slow down and check them out.  Don’t miss out on the hike to Delicate Arch.  If you get tired of hiking and driving around on the main roads, hop on a 4x4 and take a guided tour.




Grand Canyon - North Rim