St. Louis Cemetery No. 1

This is one of my favorite tours.  It was educational, tons of history and I walked around amazed, excited and I had an eerie feeling the whole time.  You keep expecting a ghost to walk by. As I was going through my pictures that same feeling came back.  You must really experience it.                                                               

The pyramid in the pictures will be Nicholas Cages burial site. 

The cemetery was approved as a permanent cemetery on August 14, 1789, by a Spanish royal decree.  Because of the flooding, New Orleans decided to create above-ground tombs.

In the early years prostitutes would take their johns to the cemetery.

A few of the famous that are buried in St. Louis No. 1 include Eteinne de Bore a wealthy pioneer of the sugar industry and the first mayor of New Orleans.  Homer Plessy the plaintiff from the landmark 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision on civil rights.  Most importantly, the renowned Voodoo priestess Marie Laveau is believed to be in the Glapion family crypt.

A scene for the movies Cincinnati Kid, Interview with a Vampire and Easy Rider were filmed in the cemetery.

There have been multiple encounters with the dead who are still buried in the cemetery. 


The Lobster


International Peace Gardens